Flat design is a type of user interface I reland website design that employs minimal, two-dimensional objects and bright colors. It is sometimes contrasted with the skeuomorphic style, which creates the illusion of three dimensions by mimicking real-life features. With the advent of Windows 8, Apple's iOS 7, and Google's Material Design, which use flat design, its popularity skyrocketed. For your insight, we've collated some inspiring examples of flat Web Design Galway from brilliant collections and functional apps in this piece of blog. Have a look! Why Does Flat Design Matter to UI Designers? Flat web design ireland enables UI designers to think of their designs as a functional tool. Their work will be measured based on the value that the design brings to the user rather than simply on aesthetic appeal. Many UI designers feel that this focus enables them to concentrate on user experience more than graphic design to benefit their businesses and customers alike. Web Desi...